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    Retirement is very much a time to enjoy all of the things that a working life does not permit. However, that said, exploring, traveling or following through on other lifelong goals comes with a cost. And many times, that cost exceeds what is available through a pension or savings account. As such, many retirees are now looking toward a retirement mortgage to help accommodate the needs of an ideal retirement lifestyle.

    Retirement mortgages can be used for more than just living the ideal retirement life. While the extra money provided by a retirement mortgage can certainly provide the money needed to travel or fulfill other lifelong dreams, it can also be used for more practical or necessary expenses as well. The money can be used for things such as moving to a new home, repaying an existing mortgage, providing money or gifts to children, or repairing an existing home and preparing it for the years to come. Perhaps you need to make needed repairs to your existing home that were just too costly to afford before or you want to be able to provide a special gift to your children. Maybe you want to move to a different location or have a home closer to your children and grandchildren or maybe the lender on your current home wants repayment on your existing mortgage. No matter what the need, having the extra cash available provided by a retirement mortgage, allows you to do what you need or want during your retirement years. It can also make times less stressful as you no longer have to worry about cash flow, paying off debt, or having money available for special expenses.

    Choosing an equity release adviser that knows the ins and outs of different retirement mortgages and what they can provide is important in choosing the right product for your individual needs. We have a nationwide team of equity release providers that can do just that. We provide an initial consultation that is free of charge that includes specialist advice through your preferred medium of contact. We are available to meet face-to-face, through email, using live chart, or over the phone. All advisers are FCA regulated and are members of the equity release council. As such, we are fully equipped to explain the benefits available to you and are happy to assist in choosing the perfect product.

    Alternatively, utlise our free equity release research tool called smartER to receive personalised results based upon your unique criteria.